Seminar at IIT Bombay

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Seminar at IIT Bombay

by | Mar 9, 2020

Dr. Mayuri Gandhi , Research Scientist, Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Facility(SAIF), IIT Bombay, organised a Deminar on HPTLC-MS & LC-MS Techniques and Applications jointly with Anchrom and ThermoFisher on 11th Sept in their facility. CAMAG HPTLC -MS interface was connected to LC-MS of ThermoFisher. Director of Anchrom , Mr. Akshay Charegaonkar delivered a presentation on “Principles and Applications of HP-TLC-MS Technique”. The conference room had 65 participants from Academia and Industry. Application Experts Dr.Manjusha Phanse and Mr. Vishwajit Kale demonstrated live the HPTLC-MS system with real life samples. Participants feedback was very encouraging. Many said HPTLC-MS is by far the fastest way to study reaction mixtures. HPTLC has recently become a statutory method worldwide.

Anchrom and ThermoFisher sponsored the event.

Tags: Training


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