The use of natural products, such as herbal medicines, for the prevention and treatment of diseases has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, concerns about the safety, efficacy, and quality of these products remain, as there is a risk of adulteration and substitution of plant materials.
Dr. P.D Sethi Memorial Awards 2022
The award was started in the year 2006 in memory of the Late Dr P. D. Sethi, an eminent chromatographer in the field of High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography.
Role of HPTLC in Characterization of Herbal Medicines
Market scenario of medicinal plants.
The market for medicinal plants in India stood at Rs. 4.2 billion (US$ 56.6 million) in 2019 and is expected to increase at a CAGR of 38.5% to Rs. 14 billion (US$ 188.6 million) by 2026.
What are the Advantages of HPTLC for Dye Separation?
Chromatography is the science of the separation of components from a mixture. These mixtures could be anything from food, pharma, herbal, forensic or textile samples.
The Role of HPTLC in Food Analysis
As food/ food components are very complex in nature, analysis of foods is a very challenging sector. Food samples often come with heavy matrices due to the presence of primary metabolites like carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
Which Software is used for HPTLC Analysis?
Anchrom is the only CAMAG HPTLC-authorized distributor in India. HPTLC analysis is performed in a stepwise manner i.e. sample preparation, application, development, scanning and derivatization if required.
What is the Rf value in HPTLC?
In TLC/HPTLC, basically, two phases are important i.e. stationary phase and mobile phase. The gas phase also plays an important role if we are giving saturation.
Role of HPTLC in the Development of Herbal Monograph
The monograph is a scientific document covering plant research from different aspects. It includes information about the particular plant like scientific name, other common names, morphological and anatomical characteristics, chemical constituents, TLC/HPTLC/HPLC/GC identity test, adulterants/substitutes, pharmacology, major therapeutic claims, safety aspects, and dose.