TLC is Thin Layer Chromatography. HPTLC is High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography.
Qualitative analysis for fingerprint, identification and quantitative analysis for purity or impurity of non-volatile organic samples such as herbals, drugs, foods, pesticides, dyes, intermediates, etc.
Principle | Planar chromatography | Planar chromatography |
Primary focus | Simplicity, low cost | Reproducibility, separation power |
Process | Flexible, no rules | Highly standardized methodology optimized parameters |
Methods | Only few parameters defined | Well defined and validated |
Flexibility | Very high | None for validated methods High between methods |
Target | Rapid, preliminary results | Reliable analytical results |
Data structure | Simple Chromatograms photographs | Traceable digital images scan data qualified by system suitable
test SST) on each plate CGMP compliant reporting |
Samples/references | Side by side on the plate | On the same or on different plates |
Plate | TLC any format | HPTLC 20x10 cm |
Instrumentation | None to simple | Simple to sophisticated |
Cost | Very low | Medium to high compared to TLC Low per sample compared to HPLC |
Yes. Because a batch of 15-20 samples can be analysed in an hour! 8-10 such batches can be analysed per day by one HPTLC system.
Mass spectrometry is a very popular detector in chromatography including HPTLC. Bands of interest selectively can be eluted from the HPTLC plate into any make MS or MS-MS using CAMAG HPTLC-MS Interface.
Conventional HPTLC uses for detection either photo-documentation and or densitometry, which require standards. MS detector may not need standards.
Any non-volatile, organic sample that can be solubilized, can be analyzed on HPTLC. Samples should have a boiling point of about 125-130°C or more e.g. fixed and essential oils, adulteration detection, complex samples such as foods, botanicals, mycotoxins, preservatives, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, etc.
Typically mg quantities where proper methods are available. For new method development, few gms of sample may be needed and 10-50 mg of standard, as a general rule.
The USP sample extraction procedure is very simple, quick and adequate for the purpose! It has been tested exhaustively before making it mandatory for fingerprint purpose.
Yes, because it is simple, stepwise, visible procedure. More over the samples remain on the plate and cannot harm the machine. User has to touch the PC keyboard only to do HPTLC.
Yes, We can do manual extraction but it is subject to errors of contamination and MS being sensitive, slight impurity may be misinterpret as signal. TLC-MS is patented. You can do micro preparative work with CAMAG TLC-MS.
Typically nanograms(ng) in absorbance and pictograms(pg) in fluorescence.
About 0.1mm. The syringe needle does not touch the layer.
100µL syringe for quantitative and other analysis & 500µL syringe for micro-preparative work.
No. Normal papers are fluorescent. They also leach chemicals into the mobile phase.
Computers, oil-free air compressor, stabilised electrical supply. No other special or dedicated requirements.
Yes. It can apply samples in 4 different ways, for 4 different purposes i.e. quantitative analysis, superimpose, in-situ clean up and micro-preparative.
No. Therefore, chances of cross contamination are zero. A very big advantage.
Glass plates do not undergo changes after heating and remain stable. They are easy to handle.
No. Fractions have to be collected from the plate into vials, for IR & NMR analysis.
ng in absorbance, pg in fluorescence in densitometry and even lower with MS and sometimes after derivatisation.
Usually within 2% in assays.
For many reasons. HPTLC is 5-10 times faster, safer, economical to analyse and maintain, easy to learn, gives visual results, post-chromatography derivatisation is simpler. Several departments or labs can buy one HPTLC because they can use HPTLC in parallel, without affecting other person’s work.
Consumable cost Rs. 50 to Rs. 60 per sample on an average.
Yes. They can comply with ICH guidelines.
UV 254 nm, UV 366 nm & white light, before as well as after derivatization.
None ! Otherwise the images will be variable too for the same plate and results will be meaningless.
Yes. Very different because of the techniques are very different. GC/ LC produce far less information about the sample.
The System Manager software collates the instrument parameters and analysis data from each instrument, does the calculations and prepares a single comprehensive report with all details of users, date, time, of instruments, lab address, unique ID,etc.
Yes, all of them and will continue to meet any new requirements.
Very much so. It uses a small amount of solvent (10-30 ml/ 15 samples) and produces very little waste. Post chromatography derivatisation requires 3-6 ml only.
Yes. Established in 1989, this lab is known in several countries. The aim of the lab is customer support. Anchrom is known as “Technologists, not Traders”.
Anchrom lab analyses samples by HPTLC technique for quantification, fingerprint, limit tests,etc. for purity, impurity of synthetic and natural non-volatile organic sample mixtures. We undertake samples for new method development but not for routine analysis., that too at concessional rates. Any sample is welcome.
One can send the request mail to Anchrom at with objective and number of samples to be analysed. In response, project outline will be sent to the customer, along with quotation. After receipt of acceptance and payment, the analysis work would be taken up. Customers have to always provide standards and special reagents, if any.
From anyone who is interested in proper and correct analysis, particularly the industry, government research labs and academia.
Yes. Certainly. That is our speciality.
We have Resident Engineers all over India. They are trained every alternate year in India by CAMAG’s Service Manager, using instruments from our lab.
Yes. We offer free training on CAMAG, Switzerland make HPTLC since 1994 at our lab in Mulund, Mumbai. The training is for half or full day. A certificate of training is issued. CAMAG HPTLC buyers can also receive training in their labs.
No, Anchrom does not provide standards. Customers have to bring the respective standards for their analysis.
Yes, we can arrange it elsewhere.
Yes. We have signed MOUs with some and open to further collaborations.
In the academia, PG or Ph.D. students from the science faculties that use chromatography and their teachers and research guides. Free-training is offered to government lab employees as well. Industry analysts can avail free training on individual basis or pay for it, if sponsored by the company. We can accept even a group of 20-25 students, in our new expanded facilities.
No. It is a continuous activity. Earliest mutually convenient date is selected.
Very much. Apart from free training (1994-till date), free HPTLC analysis (1994-2015), we have scholarships, research scholars schemes, Ph.D. schemes, etc to support young scientists and all chromatographers. We part sponsor HPTLC paper authors to international seminars, since 2008. In 2006, Anchrom instituted the late Dr.P.D.Sethi Annual Awards for best papers using HPTLC, which has gained prestige and a large following.
Yes. Numerous countries have sought our expertise. We have developed hundreds of new methods and analysed thousands of samples.
More than 1000.
In USP & EP for the purpose of identification of botanicals by “HPTLC Fingerprint.”
All chromatographs today are run by software. HPTLC’s unique aspect is that separate instruments perform each step of analysis. The System Manager software makes a “chromatograph” out of these four separate instruments and produces a single analysis report.
Secondly without System Manager, it is impossible to comply with GLP, 21CFR Rule 11, qualification and other regulatory requirements. There would be no traceability or data integrity.
Yes. It is being used all over the world, in regulatory environment.
CAMAG is dedicated to HPTLC products research and manufacturing in Switzerland, for more than 50 years. Recently, a Dry Blood Spot extractor DBS 500 has been launched.
In October 2018, CAMAG has launched the “HPTLC PRO” series of an entirely new generation equipment, which is totally automated and suitable for Q.C. labs. Up to 5 plates can be developed with up to 3 different mobile phases without manual intervention.
Yes. Some are.
Since 1978. More than 40 years.
More than 95%, for several decades.
No. All CAMAG products are researched and manufactured in Switzerland.